Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm a pretty complex person; this is where I will show you pieces of me. (That is right, this blog is about  me. I am conceited like that.) Some pieces will be humorous funnier than hell, while others will be so completely serious that you are bound to get pissed off and throw your computer thru a window. Maybe you might get lucky and find the piece that is behind the couch... you know, the one that makes the sky complete. But then again, I don't know too many lucky people.

To save you the misery of getting blindly involved with a blog only to find out that the author is a prick, here are some things I will blog about:
  • My HIGHLY Conservative values, beliefs, and opinions on ANYTHING
  • My Faith
  • People I judge know
  • My Family the people I grew up around
  • Anything I feel like, especially song lyrics
Maybe I should start a Don't Hate the Prick Campaign?? Na. Hate me. I don't care.


  1. I am the first comment! Do I win a prize?

  2. ummm, how about a warning? Yeah, you win a warning: Put your high waters on, the next post has the potential to be deep. See, you also won dry pants.... BONUS!!!
